Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, Gaza, Palestine


A Palestinian society that respects human rights and in which people live in dignity, free of oppression, and feel that their well- being is promoted.



To develop GCMHP as knowledge- based institution to enhance the capacity of the community in dealing with mental health problems based on the principles of justice, humanity, and respect for human rights.




To develop the mental well- being of Palestinian community through working with three major target groups: children, women, and victims of organized violence and torture.

The main objective s of GCMHP are to:

  • Empower vulnerable groups in the society, especially women, children and torture survivors.
  • Develop loc al human resources through mental health training programs.
  • Provide humane and high quality community- based mental health services.
  • Promote principles of democracy and human rights in the Palest inian society.
  • Combat the stigma attached to mental illness in the Palestinian society.

Familiarize the international community with the conditions of Palestinians to gain support and solidarity as well as respect f or human rights in Palestine in order to enhance mental health of Palestinians.